
Steam deck cyberpunk 2077
Steam deck cyberpunk 2077

steam deck cyberpunk 2077

You can hold yourself over until game’s official release tomorrow with its popular TV series or by checking out some other gaming guides and news on Insider Gaming. Other big titles such as Cyberpunk 2077 have been fully verified, so the system could very well be able to run The Last of Us with some optimizations. The game having been fully optimized for portable play already is difficult to imagine at this stage as it boasts higher hardware requirements than other titles that are difficult to meet on many stationary computers.ĭespite this, Valve has felt comfortable enough to include such advertisements and the Steam Deck itself is quite the little powerhouse. While this is different than the game having its own green seal of approval on the Steam store, it could still indicate that The Last Of Us will be given the verified badge upon its release. On the Steam Deck’s website, moments from the upcoming port can be seen displayed on the portable computer itself. Rather than stating its status on the Steam Deck outright prior to the game’s release, Valve has taken to advertising their handheld PC with iconic scenes from The Last of Us. Despite its official release coming tomorrow, The Last of Us seems to already have been possibly confirmed as verified for the Steam Deck. While Valve’s portable PC has a good variety of games that have been greenlit as verified, there are still many bigger titles that players would like to experience in a handheld mode.

steam deck cyberpunk 2077

With the upcoming release of The Last of Us’ PC port on Steam, many players are wondering how the game will run in comparison to its PlayStation counterpart and whether or not it will be available to play on the Steam Deck.

Steam deck cyberpunk 2077